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Re: openarc-1.0.0.Beta0


I gave one more try to openarc-1.0.0.Beta0-3.1. First, it was not
possible to rebuild openarc-1.0.0.Beta0-3.1.src.rpm on RedHat7 machines
without a fix in RPM spec file, RedHat7 does not define macro
%{?centos_version} nor %{?redhat_version}, so package fails to require
libbsd-devel. It should be just '%if 0%{?rhel} >= 7'.

But, even for both binary packages for centos-7 and for my compiled with
above mentioned fix, I can not install because macros '%service_add_pre'
and '%service_add_post' are SUSE-isms not known on other systems.

Then, when installed with '--noscript' and started, I confirm issue #98,
each header in 'ARC-' triplet starts with a blank and thus fails to be a
header but became a continuation of the previous header, usually
'Receive*' one.

Also I do not see any way for collaboration. I can clone the github
repository, but it's tag v1.0.0.Beta0 differs pretty much from the
sources I got from SUSE build service.



  Sergey Ivanov.

On 07/27/2018 04:07 PM, Sergey Ivanov wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using OpenARC compiled from 'devel' branch of github repository
> of commit https://github.com/trusteddomainproject/OpenARC/commit/8a5a4b0a278b21fe73329eebf954a1281c389b53
> on RHEL-7.
> I have tried rebuilding new openarc-1.0.0.Beta0-3.1.src.rpm, but it
> did not solve my problem.
> The problem I have is the following: we have a separate mailman host
> which is receives ARC-signed messages from our main mail server which
> signes these messages. After being processed on the mailman, some of
> the messages are coming back to our main server and it crashes
> openarc. Actually it crashes the version built from 'devel' branch, so
> that I have abrt-daemon with all information about processes, log
> files, and coredumps. The Beta0 version did not crash, but enters a
> cycle of restarting child process and the postfix using it as a milter
> also became unavailable and can not process a single mail.
> I am a workaround for this problem: I set up postfix check_headers
> pcre table which strips out "^ARC-*" headers which the main server
> added to the message before sending these messages back to main
> server. It works.
> Also there is no problem processing "ARC-*" headers which were added
> by other servers. And, our "ARC-*" headers are recognized and verified
> fine by Google servers.
> So, I guess, crash is happening somewhere in the
> https://github.com/trusteddomainproject/OpenARC/blob/master/libopenarc/arc.c#L2741
> case structure, because it is responsible for dealing with multiple
> signatures from the same instance.
> The Beta0 version had problems with the same messages when I tried
> releasing them with 'postsuper -r' from the 'hold' queue on the
> mailman host.

Re: openarc-1.0.0.Beta0Seth Blank <seth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: openarc-1.0.0.Beta0"A. Schulze" <sca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>