+ TESTING openarc.org provides infrastructure you may use to get familar with ARC. ++ 1. Autoresponder Send a message to echo@openarc.org. You'll receive a response instantly. This response contain the message as received by the service. This allowes you to inspect how !OpenARC validate your sent message. ++ 2. Forwarder Send a message to forward@openarc.org. You'll receive your message /forwarded/ back to you. It's not a new one. Ususally existing DKIM signatures should still intact after forwarding. But you may force the broken DKIM signatures. Place the text "modify" somewhere in the Subject and it will bereplacedprepended with"modified""[MODIFIED]: " on forwarding. Your DKIM signaturewillwill be no longer valid.(weWe assume you sign the RFC5322.Subject header assuggestedadvised byRFC...)[https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6376#section-5.4 RFC 6376 - DKIM Signatures]