Saturday, 27. July 2024

Diff for Wiki/Home between 13 and 14

+ !OpenARC

this place is intended to promote some (just created) lists and provide collaboration

++ Mailing-Lists
The following mailing lists are available:
* [mailto:openarc-announce+subscribe@openarc.org Subscribe to openarc-announce@openarc.org] to receive Announcements
* [mailto:openarc-users+subscribe@openarc.org Subscribe to openarc-users@openarc.org] to discuss about !OpenARC
* [mailto:openarc-dev+subscribe@openarc.org Subscribe to openarc-dev@openarc.org] for !OpenARC Developers

To unsubscribe from our mailing lists:
* [mailto:openarc-dev+unsubscribe@openarc.org Unsubscribe from openarc-announce@openarc.org]
* [mailto:openarc-users+unsubscribe@openarc.org Unsubscribe from openarc-users@openarc.org]
* [mailto:openarc-dev+unsubscribe@openarc.org Unsubscribe from openarc-dev@openarc.org]

Subscribers should be aware this domain use the DMARC policy **p=reject**, SPF -all and currently no-all. DKIM signing.signing is implemented since 20171014.

The mailing lists are archived at https://openarc.org/listarchives/

++ Development
The main development work is done on [https://github.com/trusteddomainproject/OpenARC GitHub]

++ Binary Packages
Andreas Schulze [https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:andreasschulze build packages for some Linux distributions].